Mitchell Giurgola at NYC Builds Bio+ November Quarterly Breakfast

On Thursday, November 14th, MG Partner Paul Broches and Senior Associate Jillian Sheedy presented “A Model for Adaptive Reuse: The Collaborative Research Center at Rockefeller University” during the NYC Builds Bio+ November Quarterly Breakfast. The program focused on new developments at the University including the new River Campus designed by Rafael Vinoly Architects, as well as how the University has thoughtfully transformed its existing structures into state-of-the-art facilities. Mr. Broches and Ms. Sheedy presented the MG-designed Collaborative Research Center as a case study to explore construction challenges associated with building in and connecting existing campus landmarks, the complexities of modern lab planning to meet state-of-the-art needs, and how two existing buildings can be transformed into a high-performing contemporary hub for advanced scientific research.