Paul Broches Steps Into the Role of Partner Emeritus

Congratulations to Paul Broches as he steps into to the role of Partner Emeritus. Paul has been a vital leader at MG for more than fifty years dedicated to the craft of building and the power of civic architecture to give form to social ideals.
Paul studied under MG founder Romaldo Giurgola at the Columbia University School of Architecture and Planning and joined the firm in 1971. He became a partner in 1980. At MG he has established a collaborative, inclusive work style, conducive to creating welcoming buildings, with indelible sense of place and strong connections to the urban fabric.
Paul was a member of the design team that won the international competition in 1980 for the New House of Parliament in Australia and helped to open an office in Canberra to carry out the work. Recent projects include branch libraries for the Brooklyn and New York Public Libraries, the BAM Strong theater at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and the Collaborative Research Center at Rockefeller University. He participated in a broad range of projects on City University of New York campuses, NYU, Stony Brook University, many projects for The NYC School Construction Authority, charter schools and master plans.
Paul also had the rare privilege of leading the team that realized the last project designed by Louis Kahn, The FDR Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island.
Paul is a Fellow in the AIA and was elected to the National Academy of Design in 2013 and to its Board in 2018. He has served for many years on the Committee for the Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Design Excellence, an international essay competition to promote the investigation of architecture as a social art.